Here are some various drills and techniques
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1) Use the hips to move the arms. Everything is connected and moved as one unit. Heels, knees, waist, elbows, shoulders, hands.
2) Elbow behind all hand movements. Tan, Fuk, etc. provide structural support and give ground connection.
3) Hip and elbow together in one motion, when in motion.

4) Tan, Jum, Fuk, and Bong are the same arm but at different angles, all attacking the center.
5) They allow your arms to find the center of your opponent.
6) Chase, control attack center.
7) First actions are attack actions, second actions are after the first, and chance actions are what opportunities that may appear.
8) The triangle base is for stability.
9) When you step, step with the triangle. Do not lose ground Power by disconnecting or breaking your structure by not moving as one unit.
10) Your hips should be rolled forward in front of your heels.
11) The elbows move with the hips.
12) The hand is an extension of the elbow, using a hand as a bridge to connect the elbow to a point Center.

13) Find the structure behind the strikes don’t disconnect from the ground Power by overextending.
14) Hit the center.

15) When striking at heart-level height, you use your opponent’s strike as a ramp that takes you straight to his head or neck and at the same time nullifies your striking hand.
16) When you use Kwan Sau the Dai Bong Helps the Tan.
17) In all of the hands you create a triangle that points and pressures the opponent Center disturbing his structure.
18) The arm should feel stubby in all of the hands.

The ideas being shared here are continually passed down, generation to generation.
1) Attack and Defend the center line.
2) Defend your center while attacking the opponent’s center in the same motion.
3) Control the center lines.
4) Eat the space and take a position.
5) Attack the attack. They attack me, I attack back better.
6) I break their structure, eat their space, and attack their center mass.
7) Our defense is inside the attack. So I don’t defend, I only attack.
Finally, attacking their center mass, breaking their structure, taking their position by eating their space, all this with the idea and goal of taking away the ability of the attacker to respond. While delivering well-placed strikes, there is still much more to this science. Thanks to the teachers who keep refining and continue to share this knowledge.
Without the teachers, I would be clueless about most, if not all of the abilities, skills, and understanding developed through this knowledge.
Video Demonstrations
What is my Wu Sao? Why does my Wu Sao have 4 sides?
Training with members of the community
Training is flexible in many environments
As a former professional fighter, Acosta has a unique way and approach to personal training; a way that is not found anywhere but with him. Acosta likes to take the time to shape each fighter personally in a way that the fighter naturally grows and develops.
You can also see the versatility of all the different Teaching settings
Here is another side to Mr. G. Acosta. Sharing basic handgun safety. The goal of all videos shown is for you to see Acosta’s teaching style and see how it will be a fit for you.